
Science and Spirituality - Chapter 5

Just to tell you something about me: I am doing research on the problems in the corporate world  and the personal lives of the people, due to which they are stressed and getting issues related to health in very early age. I have prepared a lot of documentation in that regard, which I have decided to share with people of all countries of the world.

I have shared a big part of the outcome of that research work to many people, which is getting upgraded on a daily basis. I hope your feedback on the training content, would help me refine it more and more so that it can be useful for everyone going through the same and for the future generations of humanity. This training module guarantees to unearth the true potential lying hidden in all of you and improve the effectiveness to the extent possible. The training content is built on the basis of consciousness and mental map of the following people and hence I consider all of them to be high regard people and in a way my Guru as well. Here is the list:

Stephen Covey, Stephen Hawkings, Maslow, Newton, Einstein, Sri Sri Ravi Shanker Ji, Maharishi Patanjali, Yogeshwar Shri Krishna, Darwin, Maharishi Dayanand Saraswati, Swami Ramdev and many other learned people whose mental map in the form of the books I had read.

In my opinion, 21st century is the time where Science will truly meet the Spirituality. Hence, I have chosen the name of one of my books as "Science and Spirituality". I will write this book sometime in future. I had started writing the book at the age of 23 years and due to some reason abandoned writing for 11 years before starting authoring the content again. Some of the content written on the synergy of Science and Spirituality of our existence is posted on the links below. I have not made many changes in the article from the one that I wrote at the age of 23. These articles will surely find some place in my book "Science and Spirituality" whenever I start writing the same again.

Science and Spirituality - Chapter 1

Science and Spirituality - Chapter 2

Science and Spirituality - Chapter 3

Science and Spirituality - Chapter 4      

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