
An organization is nothing but a group of individuals working together to achieve ‘Shared Vision and Mission’. In order to keep people aligned to the direction of Shared Vision and Mission, it becomes important to setup a value system which can bind people together. The “culture” of an organization may vary between various teams, business units, departments, branches or geographies, but the Value system is kept universal in order to maintain the integrity of the institution. While individuals and organizations continue to evolve their value system based on best of their wisdom; there is a value system which is eternally working in the Ecosystem. The more an individual or an organization align themselves to the eternally Defined Values system, the more effective they become in delivering value to their stakeholders.

It is critical for the people on leadership positions or aspiring to take up a leadership position in future, to align themselves to these Defined Values, so as to become a role model for the people working under their area of influence. Even ordinary citizens can be transformed into highly effective change leaders, if the right advises and consultations are provided to them by high conscious mentors.

Defined Values Consultants is founded with the sole purpose of aligning the individuals and institutions with the eternally Defined Values, through the deeply researched frameworks, training programs, tools, techniques, advisories and consultations. All organizations who wish to elevate the collective will of their workforce towards the Shared Vision and Mission of their institution, are invited to contact us for an Introduction presentation of our flagship “Self-Actualized Leadership Development Program” and transform their organizations into highly effective institutions. Individuals wishing to become a grand transformative leader, are requested to attend our upcoming free "Self-Actualized Leadership Seminar". 


Defined Values Consultants Pvt Ltd is integrating the individuals and institutions into a Global Collaboration Framework through which all major problems of the Ecosystem will be fixed right at the root, thereby creating a win-win situation for all citizens of this planet. We have codenamed the entire scope of our work as Project YugParivartan (Project Grand Change). We conduct regular public events to interface with the Target Audience to explain them the vision, mission, framework, benefits, expectations etc, so that a person can take informed decision for his/her professional and personal development. The Registration forms for upcoming events are published on our website and other event listing websites from time to time.

We look forward to build a lasting trusted relationship with you. There is something for everyone in Project YugParivartan.
(Please note: The version 2.0 of our website is under development. Just in case you need additional information than what is presented on the website, kindly do not hesitate to call at +91 9910849988 or send an email to 

Vision Statement

To be a global institution of self-realized mentors from all religious, social, political and regional backgrounds, so as to facilitate the unified transition of the highest order wisdom to each citizen of this planet"

Mission Statement

To develop and network the Self-Actualized Change Leaders from all walks of life so as to fix the root causes of issues which are adversely affecting the quality of life of the citizens of this planet, by creating a Global Integrated Ecosystem of peace, prosperity, justice and universal harmony

Company Objectives

  • To provide high value leadership training to corporate employees in particular and people of all professions in general, so as to improve their management and leadership effectiveness.
  • Guiding the citizens to actualize their full potential, by bringing them at par with the values prescribed by great leaders, philosophers and self-actualized and self-realized souls, who have left a legacy of wisdom for humanity to learn from.
  • Facilitate the realization of the Mission Statement of the participants on best effort basis, subject to the compliance of the same with the objectives of Project YugParivartanTM (a mission to unite institutions under a common value system of the highest order)